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Education for the Street kids

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Education and literacy are powerful tools to uplift street kids, providing them with opportunities to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future

Here are some ways we do to promote education and literacy for street kids.

Learning centers

we have two learning centers (Schools) that can reach street kids directly in their communities. These centers can offer basic education, life skills, and literacy programs.

Outreach Programs: Organize educational outreach programs to engage with street kids and raise awareness about the importance of education.

  1. School Enrollment Support: Assist street kids in enrolling in formal schools by providing necessary documents, uniforms, and school supplies.
  2. Non-Formal Education: Offer non-formal education programs that cater to the specific needs and circumstances of street kids. These programs can be flexible and focus on practical skills.
  3. Literacy Programs: Create literacy programs that help street kids develop basic reading, writing, and numeracy skills.
  4. Volunteer Tutors and Mentors: Recruit volunteers to act as tutors and mentors, providing one-on-one support to street kids in their educational journey



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Donation Total: $100.00