• Info@worshipgod24hrsgroud.org
  • +256752910333

What we do

About Us


We are a Christian church made up of different people from all parts of the world speaking different languages but having a common goal of worshiping God with all that we have to give glory, honor and power to the highest God.

WGG focuses mostly in all Godly living for a Christian life, worshiping God it is one of them as it expands us to all others, continuing in different ministries in support of the Church’s task of fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission.

WGG exists to reach the world for the gospel of Jesus Christ


What we DO


Charity services encompass a wide range of activities aimed at helping those in need, improving communities, and addressing various social, and humanitarian issues

Community Outreach

With our community outreaches, we reach out to various hurting communities in the further rural areas of Uganda and empower them with various life aspects.

Church service & Bible Teaching

 This teaching can take various forms, including religious education classes, sermons, Bible study groups, and individual mentoring

Feeding the Orphans and widows

This practice involves providing food and support to individuals who are vulnerable, marginalized, and often lack the resources to meet their basic needs

Education and skill Development

We support the most vulnerable children through education, helping them to get the most from their time at school and providing a foundation for a productive and happy future.

Caring for the Adults and Young

Encompasses a wide range of activities and support systems aimed at promoting the well-being and quality of life for adults, particularly those who may be vulnerable, elderly, disabled.

Our Impacts

We believe in looking after each other and helping people heal, grow and find their purpose. We run after the needs of our community through  so many ways like talk appointments, prayer, as well as wedding and celebration of life service officiating.

We believe everyone deserves the best chance in life. That’s why we support the most vulnerable children and their families, working with them to reduce poverty and meet their basic needs.