• Info@worshipgod24hrsgroud.org
  • +256752910333

About us

WGG exists to reach the world for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Who we are

WGG exists to reach the world for the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help others


We are a Christian church made up of different people from all parts of the world speaking different languages but having a common goal of worshiping God with all that we have to give glory, honor and power to the highest God. We believe in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as one.

WGG exists to reach the world for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our global outreach engages millions of people in different countries with biblical truth. For nearly 5 years now, God has enabled WGG to help lead people from doubts to disciples.

Together with international partners, local churches and other Christian ministries, WGG provides relevant programming, discipleship resources and dedicated workers to spread hope to individuals and communities around the globe. Sometime we use high-powered instruments in crusades, streaming content to Internet users and face book or visiting face-to-face of all members and believers. WGG leaves a lasting spiritual footprint of good examples of the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ every were we go. You are most welcome today.

Worship God 24hrs ground is committed to protecting your spiritual life while providing you with the most useful and enjoyable worshiping conditions possible.

Our Mission

WGG focuses mostly in all Godly living for a Christian life, worshiping God it is one of them as it expands us to all others, continuing in different ministries in support of the Church’s task of fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission by enabling anyone anywhere at any time to gain easy, efficient access to God. Using a wide range of Christian gospel media sources in different sources and languages, which anyone can understand the true word of God preached.

Our Vission

Worship God 24hrs Ground welcomes everybody for a common goal of worshiping God. Our vision is to build for our self a place for worshiping God at all times 24hrs. WGG breaks down barriers between man and God and creates an accessibility channel for everyone to directly associate with God through worshiping as well as growing up in our daily walk with Jesus Christ. We are growing into a very big Christian church of worshiping God. Everyone all over the world is welcome to join us in worshiping God 24hrs any time of your choice.

We’re here to preach and to support poor people

God tells us to serve those in need. To love them, learn from them and fight for their freedom

Total Campaigns
Total Childern in Our Schools
Total adults we help
Total Volunteers
Leadership and Administration

Happy team that work with us

Our feedbacks

What they’re talking about us

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